

Based on RCQE vision “to be the reliable regional reference for education quality and excellence” and mission “to provide innovative services for improving education quality and excellence across the Arab countries, and introducing a leading impact through innovative systems, standards and measures, and sustainable regional and international relations”, and based on RCQE endeavors to disseminate knowledge and best educational practices, support and prepare high-quality research on issues of education quality and excellence to meet the needs of Arab countries, as well as supporting the achievement of SDG4 targets and indicators 2030 in the Arab countries, the current study on “Accreditation of Teacher Preparation Programs in the Arab Countries” has been conducted under the supervision of RCQE.
This concept note summarizes the study, annexes, and national reports thereof (nearly six hundred pages in total). It is a large study, which analyzed regional and international experiences in the accreditation of teacher preparation programs, with the aim of identifying the gaps in relevant practices in several Arab countries in light of global experiences, so as to reach a guiding framework for designing teacher preparation programs accreditation systems in the Arab countries.

The need for this study emerged in response to recent reports which indicated that teacher preparation programs worldwide face many issues and challenges in most of educational institutions at all levels (Cochran-Smith, 2001; European Union, 2007; OECD, 2014). Recent research indicates that there are three types of challenges facing many developing countries in supporting teacher development: first, weakness in the specialized knowledge content, the pedagogical knowledge, and classroom skills; second, the low quality of pre-service and in-service teacher training, inadequate standards and certification and accreditation procedures; and third, the lack of ongoing support for teachers on the part of schools and districts (GPE, 2019, p10). Research in the Arab countries also revealed similar results, which highlighted major challenges facing teacher preparation. For example, traditional teacher training programs, and weak field training (practicum) component (Arab Education Observatory, 2014, and UNESCO, 2013). This resulted in poor professional, cultural, and academic preparation (Kanaan, 2009), added to that lack of equipment (Radwan and Al Deghidi, 2016), and adherence to traditional teaching. It was also found that quality assurance and accreditation systems are weak (UNDP-RBAD, 2006). Further, the most important issue is that there is an absence of a clear vision that defines educational choices and guides the process of teacher preparation (Sukaria, 2009).

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  • Promote discussions and cooperation at the Arab region level on standards and mechanisms of academic accreditation of education faculty programs in the Arab countries.
  • Review the outcomes of the study conducted by RCQE on “The status of the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation Programs in the Arab Countries” in light of the global experiences and setting guidelines for the benefit of faculties of education in Arab countries to enhance teacher preparation policies in accordance with the best international experiences.
  • Support the endeavors of education systems in the Arab countries to achieve the indicators of SDG4.
  • Review a proposed framework for designing systems for quality assurance and accreditation for teacher preparation programs in the Arab countries.


  1. Review the outcomes of the study in the domains related to the policies and systems of the accreditation of teacher preparation programs.
  2. Highlight the leading international practices and trends in international comparison in accreditation of teacher preparation programs and their reflection on educational reform trends.
  3. Presenting the proposed framework for designing quality assurance and accreditation systems for teacher preparation programs in the Arab countries.


The workshop will be attended by several experts, researchers, decision makers, academics, teachers, school directors, representatives of ministries of education and quality concerned officials. The attendees will also include representatives of national, regional and international organizations and institutions

Workshop Strategy

The workshop will be held for one day to review the outcomes of the study on “Policies and systems of curriculum development in general education in the Arab countries”. participants will have the chance to communicate and share best practices. The participation is open for specialists and interested persons in education quality and excellence.

Workshop Language

The language of the workshop will be Arabic. Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided via ZOOM.


UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates.

Invited Organizations

Ministries of Education in the Arab countries, regional and international organizations, and national committees.

  1. UNESCO Regional Centers and Offices.
  2. Regional and international organizations.
  3. Ministries of Education in the Arab countries.
  4. National commissions for Education, Culture and Science.
  5. Education evaluation bodies in the Arab countries.
  6. Experts, specialists and interested persons.

Expected Outcomes

The main expected outcomes of this workshop are as follows:

  1. Shared perceptions on the status of policies and systems of the accreditation of teacher preparation programs in the targeted Arab countries.
  2. Defining and expanding the understanding of the best practices (regional and international) in the field of policies and systems of the accreditation of teacher preparation programs in a number of the developed countries.
  3. Recommendations to educational decision makers for developing policies and systems for accreditation of teacher preparation programs in Arab countries in the light of international best practices.


UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education

in cooperation with

The Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates.

The Regional Workshop on

Accreditation of Teacher Preparation Programs in the Arab Countries


From 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM (Saudi Time)

11:00 AM to 03:00 PM (UAE Time)

Registration Link

Thursday, 09 February 2023

Online Regional Workshop

Workshop Agenda

Papers & Presentations

Final Statement